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The last Nintendo console I actually bought
with real money (and not the glowing green rupees I pay for my grocery shopping with) was the Gamecube, and it was a fine machine that served its
purpose well. After that I went towards the Xbox and 360 and have never looked
back. The Wii never appealed to me simply because of the casual gamer image it
assumed, and the odd ‘lifestyle’ adverts full of smiling, sockless idiots playing
Wii Sports in neutrally coloured IKEA living rooms turned me completely off: was
that the audience Nintendo were suddenly trying to attract after years of ‘proper’
gaming? It just alienated me is all, and my desire to own a Wii died before it
even had a chance to draw a single breath. And in hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t
fork out for a Wii because there’s so little of any real value there for the
serious, adult gamer. Sure, there are the Zelda games and a few decent Mario offerings
but where are the Mass Effects and the Halos? The serious football games and
driving simulators? I want to be blowing shit up in full HD, not waving a
fucking Wiimote around trying to knock hats off statues of clowns. Jesus.
now we have the Wii U. What the fuck were they thinking? Releasing a console
with an iPad for a controller? The design of the Wii U is retarded on so many
levels I barely have enough words to describe how annoyed I am at the thing’s
very existence. Great – you can keep playing if somebody wants to watch TV. Er,
Nintendo? It isn’t 1979 anymore - most people have more than one TV these days.
And if that’s what Nintendo are pushing
as the killer feature, I have a horrible feeling that the Wii U will bomb with disastrous
results. But wait – there’s more: the
Wii U uses a proprietary Blu-ray format for its games, but can’t play Blu-ray
movies or DVDs. The Wii U controller pad monstrosity has a battery life of
about 3 hours before it needs to be recharged. Buying a second pad will require
you taking out a bank loan, and the pro controller (the one that looks like a
normal control pad) isn’t compatible with every game. The console needs a
software update out of the box to enable a lot of the extra features (like
backwards compatibility), so if you haven’t got broadband at home...you’re
fucked. These are just a few of the screw-ups I’ve been able to glean from new user reviews, and
there seem to be more weird little problems everywhere you look...but the main
one for me is that it just feels like a stop gap. A stop gap before the next
consoles from Microsoft and Sony appear and basically redraw the console war
battle lines.
Where will Nintendo be then? I’ll wager they’ll be in exactly the
same place Sega found they were in when the PS2 appeared, only without a
console even half as good as the Dreamcast was compared to its rival. The Wii U
does at least have HD graphics, but the two models available have pitifully
small storage options (8GB and 32GB) and the technical specifications are
likely to be dwarfed by the next generation Xbox and PlayStation. I don’t care that
you can add external storage – the Wii U should have come with at least a 60GB
hard drive and in one technical configuration. Different colours are fine, but
the different versions thing is just insulting and confusing for people who
aren’t really gamers (like parents buying Christmas presents, for example).
Nintendo have really fucked up here, and I don’t think I’ll be proven wrong.
The Wii U already boasts inferior visuals to most 360 games, and that’s
worrying: all of the pre-release shots of ZombiU (the only game that really
interested me) seem to have been mock-ups judging by footage I’ve seen in most of
the video reviews flying around Youtube, and the other games that are ports of
existing 360 and PS3 titles...well, opinions are mixed but who exactly are they
trying to appeal to? PS3 and 360 owners who already played Mass Effect 3 and
Arkham City a year ago? Quite. I want to make it clear that I’m not a Nintendo
basher – I’ve owned every Nintendo console up until the Wii, but this new
direction the company has taken infuriates me more than it probably should. Please
Nintendo, drop the boring motion control shit, the odd controllers and the ‘we
don’t care about technical specs...we care about fun’ holier-than-thou preachy bullshit.
Just go back to making kick-ass, boundary-pushing games that run on a
conventional, graphical ball-buster of a console. Or to put it more simply, go
back to making N64s. Urgh. Just thinking about how much of a cock-up the Wii U
is makes me want to punch something – why Nintendo? Why? It could have been so
different. OK – you wanted to try something new with the original Wii and it
paid off. Good work, but trying to draw it out and appeal to the same audience
with a new hardware release that shares a name with the predecessor will only
end badly.
Confusion, poor sales and consumer alienation are probably the only
things that will make Nintendo sit up and realise that actual gamers want a
convention console from them. I really hope their next offering comes quickly,
and there isn't a motion sensor or a tablet PC in sight.
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