What's new then? Not a lot, really. I am the first to admit that my life is probably about as dull as is humanly possible. It could quite possibly only become more mind-numbingly boring if I was a fucking corpse. Case in point - the highlight of the week thus far has been my trip to
Halfords. You know, that car/bike shop where there is never a shop assistant around when you need one, and when you do actually find somebody who works there they
haven't got a clue about anything -
anything - to do with cars or bikes. Anyway, I went to
Halfords...to buy a replacement exhaust pipe cover (see left) for my car as the previous one fell off. Oh, and a new cigarette lighter poppy-out thing because there wasn't one in the car when I bought it. See. No matter how fucking depressing you may think your existence is, there's always somebody else enjoying their time on this mortal coil less than you. In retrospect to reading what I have just written, I suppose I should be thankful that I live in the UK and not Haiti; that the few items I once owned are not now lying beneath the destroyed remains of my home, and that if I want something to eat I can just go to the fridge. And for that reason, I
rescind all feelings of boredom and depression previously conveyed.
Ha. Where did you get your visitor counter? I tried to get one through google, but it wouldn't accept the code.
Wow - somebody actually reads my shite! Matt, go to the 'Page Elelments' tab of the 'Layout' section in your blogger dashboard, select the HTML/Javascript element and paste this code in there:
That should do the trick. Oh, it won't let me paste the HTML into the comments box. I'll email the code to you at some point over the wk end.
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